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News Overview
In today’s swine production, maximizing profitability goes beyond boosting productivity—it requires careful management of factors like sow survivability.
Reducing our global carbon emission is crucial for a number of reasons including climate change mitigation, sea level rise prevention, and air quality improvement. Addressing these concerns is a glob…
Date: January 14, 2025Boxmeer, Netherlands – Hendrix Genetics proudly announces the successful closing of the merger between Hypor, its swine genetics division, and Danish Genetics. This strategic co…
Our vlogs are here to bring you practical insights, expert advice, and real-world solutions for modern pig production. Each episode dives into key topics to help you improve animal welfare, productiv…
Date: October 21, 2024Boxmeer, Netherlands – The global multispecies genetics company Hendrix Genetics is excited to announce the signing of an agreement to merge its swine division, Hypor, with Dani…
Keep reading to uncover the stories, passions, and expertise that make our Hypor team unique.
Keep reading to uncover the stories, passions, and expertise that make our Hypor team unique.
Keep reading to uncover the stories, passions, and expertise that make our Hypor team unique.
Keep reading to uncover the stories, passions, and expertise that make our Hypor team unique.
NOTE: This article was originally published in Asian Pork Magazine and has been republished here with permission.
We were so happy to speak with Kyle Steuber from Signature Swine, a family-owned farm located in Fairmont, Minnesota all about their operations and remarkable results in health and productivity.
We are pleased to welcome Robson dos Santos as our new Sales Manager for Brazil.
Keep reading to uncover the stories, passions, and expertise that make our Hypor team unique.
Meet Normand Gagne, Agricultural Production Manager at duBreton, a family-owned business tracing its roots back to 1944. duBreton has achieved amazing results with Hypor pigs while maintaining the ne…
Keep reading to uncover the stories, passions, and expertise that make our Hypor team unique.
The London Swine Conference was the perfect opportunity to exchange ideas and share knowledge with the industry.
Missouri, US - February 14th, 2024Hypor strengthens its presence in the US swine market with strategic acquisition of KC Air Pork LLC (KCAP) breeding stock. Additionally, Hypor and Cornbelt Livestock…
Huesca, Spain - February 1st, 2024Cooperativa Virgen del Rosario and Hendrix Genetics are pleased to announce the signing of a groundbreaking agreement on December 1st, 2023, marking the sale of Grat…
Christelle and Jean-Pierre OLIVIER are parent stock producer based in France.
We were pleased to speak to two key individuals from our customer Agropecuaria SAM: Marco Machorro, owner and Laura Apolinar, Production Manager. Agropecuaria SAM houses 8200 sows, in 3 locations in …
Julien Follenfant is a parent stock producer based in France.
Jean-Jacques Lainez is a parent stock producer based in Plourin-Ploudalmezeau, France.
Laurent Retif is a parent stock customer based in Saint Aubin des Châteaux, France.
Éric Brulé is a parent stock customer based in France. His farm has 330 Libra/Maxter cross sows per year.
Pork producers from all over the world share a common goal of providing healthy, affordable protein for a growing population.
Discover how Hypor genetics make a real impact in the field when it comes to sow survivability. Customer data from our benchmark report shows that the sow death loss rate for all farms in the America…
Jérôme Plouzennec is a parent stock customer based in Pluguffan, France. His farm has 400 Libra Maxter cross sows using a 28 day weaning cycle with very strong performance in litter size, piglet liva…
In Hooglede, Belgium, Johan Kino keeps about 260 sows in a semi-closed operation. He aims for optimal results at low costs, with as little extra work as possible. In cooperation with his Hypor adviso…
A recent scientific paper was published to highlight the long-term impact of balanced breeding on litter size and piglet livability in swine. This research shows how balanced breeding policies have b…
Farm labor is difficult to find. Just ask pig farmer Wolfgang Beckmann from Meppen based in Germany. Yet he manages to produce, raise and deliver many uniform and healthy piglets each year. The key i…
From June 7-9th, we participated in World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, where we had the opportunity to connect with clients and partners from all over the world.
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a challenge to Proposition 12, a statewide ban on the sale of pork from pigs housed in less than 24 square feet of floor space. For many pig producers in the…
Leon and Lianne van Dijck run a GP and GGP nucleus farm in Germany with 2,500 sows plus 6,800 purebred and F1 gilts spread over two locations. With Hypor sow lines, the farm produces high-quality bre…
BOXMEER, The Netherlands – March 28, 2023 – In 2022 Hendrix Genetics announced the appointment of Richard Maatman as Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Hendrix Genetics and mentioned that Richar…
Through R&D innovation, the Hendrix Genetics Swine/Hypor team has developed specialized programming to capture data on farrowing time for individual sows. This technology is now being utilized at…
Hypor and the University of Alberta have received a grant from NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada) to identify and study new approaches for the improvement of sow lifet…
Zemspol Dešná, a vertical integrated pork producer and part of the Rhea Holding which is one of the largest farming companies in Czech Republic, has signed a long-term breeding and production agreeme…
Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, recognizes the different needs of producers, including dam line gene delivery. With this in mind, Hypor offers unique solutions to establish and maintain a…
Sustainable breeding was a logical step from balanced breeding. Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, has been dedicated to balanced breeding for many years and our product portfolio which gene…
For many years, Brazil has been identified as an important area of opportunity for agriculture. As it relates to pig production, it is the fourth largest pork producer in the world. With its large ge…
The performance of your herd looks pretty good, but how are the individual sows performing and how long are they able to stay in the herd?
Paine Schwartz Partners, a global leader in sustainable food chain investing, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with respect to a new strategic investment by Paine Schwa…
How many piglets are your sows weaning per year? That is a common question when considering the productivity of a sow farm. But there are many pieces of the puzzle that make up pigs weaned/ mated fem…
Earlier this year, Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, launched an exclusive technical service app for their customers: Swine Support by Hendrix Genetics. In the first few months, we already …
Latin America is one of the top key areas of development for Hendrix Genetics. In particular, Mexico’s pig production is expected to grow thanks to increased demand in consumption and new export oppo…
Considering the productivity of a sow farm does not hinge on any single parameter, but rather on the culmination of many parameters. Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, provides genetic solut…
Strong biosecurity protocols are the most important line of defense against disease. Not only is pig health important for animal welfare, but it also protects the economic value of your business. Wit…
Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, is evolving from balanced breeding to sustainable breeding for all products in our portfolio. The Hypor Kanto, our Duroc sire line with premium pork qualit…
As one of the leaders in swine breeding, Hendrix Genetics recognizes that strong biosecurity protocols play an important part in keeping pigs safe and healthy. Fundamental to swine production, biosec…
The future of the pork industry must include sustainable products and practices. The Hypor Maxter, known as one of the top Piétrain sire lines in the world, delivers high quality piglets, fast-growin…
Porc d'Or, a collaboration of several Dutch pig farmers from the North, has chosen to work with Hypor pig genetics from Hendrix Genetics. Hendrix Genetics is an international breeding company, a…
Hendrix Genetics raises the bar on economic, social and… environmental sustainability. In addition to the benefits of genetic progress for environmental sustainability, there are other areas of focus…
The transition from balanced to sustainable breeding is underway. While this concept is overarching for our entire swine breeding program, there are also key components that relate specifically to th…
Omsky bacon, part of PRODO Group, one of the largest players on the Russian market in poultry, swine and meat processing, has signed a long-term cooperation agreement with Hendrix Genetics. The PRODO…
Social sustainability is an often-overlooked aspect of sustainability. Discussions around sustainable development focus primarily on economic and environmental aspects. All three pathways to sustaina…
Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, has recently launched “Swine Support by Hendrix Genetics”, an exclusive technical service app for its customers.
The use of mixed reality technology in Hypor locations around the world offers the potential for fast, efficient, and biosecure collaboration during the pandemic and beyond.
Using high-quality swine genetics for the best Return on Investment (ROI), should be an easy decision, but that is not always the case. It depends on multiple factors and as a breeding company we hav…
Hypor, the pig breeding division of Hendrix Genetics, remains committed to providing technical service to our customers across Asia. This despite the travel bans and health risks brought about by the…
No one knows more about challenges than pork producers, but some markets are more challenging than others. Fortunately, where there are obstacles, there is also opportunity. In filling 25% of the wor…
The use of mixed reality technology in Hypor locations around the world offers the potential for fast, efficient, and biosecure collaboration during the pandemic and beyond.
Economic sustainability of the swine sector has two factors. One is the success of the sector over time, and the other is the way the swine sector operates in a sustainable manner, protecting social …
The transition from balanced to sustainable breeding has already begun. This is an overarching focus in our pig breeding program, but the benefits can be viewed up close on a product level. Of course…
Porcus Vitalis, Serbian swine producer, has signed a long-term distribution agreement with Hendrix Genetics, global multi-species, animal breeding company, to produce and distribute Hypor swine genet…
Balanced breeding focuses on balancing the progress of many traits to generate profitability for the total pork supply system. These traits can be classified into (re)production and efficiency traits…
Cherkizovo Group, Russia’s largest meat producer, has signed a long-term cooperation agreement with Hendrix Genetics. Cherkizovo Group will populate their swine production systems with Hypor breeding…
Boxmeer, February 10, 2021. LFD Holding, Germany's largest piglet producer, continues its successful cooperation with Hendrix Genetics. With Hendrix Genetics’ high level of expertise in animal b…
Resilient animals have the ability to adapt to sudden changes, while also overcoming challenges, such as environmental or health. Every craftsman will tell you: ‘When equipped with the right tools, a…
Hendrix Genetics, global multi-species animal breeding company and BHZP, Germany's largest pig breeding company, have reached an agreement to extend their contract to start production of db.77 b…
Hendrix Genetics, global multi-species animal genetics company, announces the appointment of Jolanda van Haarlem as Chief Executive Officer. She will join Hendrix Genetics as from March 1, 2021 and a…
What characteristics do you look for in a sow? Is the ability to easily farrow, raise, and wean a litter of high quality pigs important to you? Do you want to have a sow that can stay in the herd for…
The Hypor Libra* is already an efficient sow that can give you more quality pigs, all with less labor. However, with some small changes to farrowing room management, you increase the number of piglet…
On September 14th Joop joined Hendrix Genetics as the new Managing Director of Business Unit Swine (Hypor). He is looking forward to contributing to the development of the company towards vision 2025…
In Germany, where loose housing systems are legally mandated, pig temperament is extremely important in a successful herd. Mr. Macke and his son know the importance of this trait all too well. Togeth…
Animal welfare is priority focus area within Hendrix Genetics. It’s easy to make this statement, but more challenging to translate this statement into real, tangible actions. With facilities all over…
From quality genetics to excellent management, Hypor provides producers with the tools to maintain high production from farrow to finish during summer’s hot spells. With nucleus facilities located in…
The transition from stalls to group housing can be a difficult stage for both the pigs and the producers who raise them. When this transition goes smoothly, the pigs can continue eating and producing…
If you don’t think strong biosecurity is essential to your business, try surviving without it. In this age of growing disease threats from PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome), ASF (A…
At Hendrix Genetics, we continuously seek to minimize our environmental impact. The reduction of our use of antibiotics in our farms is a key aspect of this daily work. Our objective is to use antibi…
Finding solutions to meet with clients has become challenging due to cancellations of swine conferences in Latin America as a result of COVID-19 but a program called Tu Tecnico en Casa has been able …
In the scientific field, the nature vs. nurture debate is the subject of numerous studies when looking at human behavior. Are your actions and personality determined by your genes or by the environme…
Japfa Comfeed Vietnam has requested Hendrix Genetics to improve the performance of their renewed pig production systems, by upgrading all their Great Grand Parent (GGP) and Grand Parents (GP) swine p…
When you take the world’s third largest country, add a dynamic pork industry and mix in an appetite for growth, you have a recipe for success. For those genetic companies that embrace challenge and c…
These days, the list of apps you can download is endless, but for pork producers, one that enhances breeding decisions may be priceless. With this in mind, the Hendrix Genetics swine app is harnessin…
Just as we talk about backing up our commitment to animal welfare with action, biosecurity is another area where we are putting concrete standards in place. Biosecurity programs must be reviewed, sta…
Hendrix Genetics has issued its first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report. Hendrix Genetics contributes to food security and supports the animal protein value chain with innovative and susta…
Like the custom-tailored suits that put Italy on the map, the key to success in the country’s pork genetics sector is finding the right fit for a demanding consumer. It’s not a task for the faint of …
In an area of the world known for hot temperatures, it’s only fitting that for swine genetics companies, the opportunities in certain parts of Latin America are starting to sizzle.
The Hypor Libra* is already an efficient sow that can give you more quality pigs with less labour. With more quality pigs from Hypor Libra*, you can expect to wean 30+ piglets with a high survival ra…
Have you ever wondered what the ideal pig farm would look like? A group of farmers, researchers, architects, and animal behavior specialists have collaborated to create a farm environment where pigs …
A desire to build coalitions was the impetus for a recent agreement between Hendrix Genetics (Hypor) and German-based BHZP. Thursday, 21st November 2019, a contract was signed for the supply of boars…
If you think castration is a touchy subject, imagine how the pig feels. Though male pigs are routinely castrated to prevent boar taint and improve meat quality, the practice raises issues around anim…
They say good things come in threes, and the Kanto is a prime example, offering growth, quality and consistency in one package. With so much going for this Duroc sire line, it is no surprise that whe…
If you listed the world’s top pork exporters alphabetically, Spain would fall between Russia and the United Kingdom. When it comes to growth and potential, however, Spain is second to none. They may …
Are you looking for a possibility to increase your theoretical and practical knowledge in the pig field? From November 11 until 22 we offer a course for Asian Pig professionals, farm managers and hea…
Multiple healthy litters of naturally castrated piglets developed through precision breeding.Male piglets are routinely castrated to improve the quality of meat for consumers by eliminating boar tain…
Just like humans, genes are passed from parents to offspring and impact traits they express. Using animal genetics we are able to carefully evaluate the genetic potential of each animal in our breedi…
Given the reputation of the Hypor Magnus for getting results, it’s little wonder that the sire line came out on top in a recent North American wean to finish trial against a rival known as Competitor…
Success in life is all about making the hard choices: buy or sell; own or rent; ham or bacon. Fortunately, choosing your next sire line just got easier, thanks to the latest grower-finisher trial res…
Ever felt at a loss when asked how animal breeding factors into the food chain? The concept is unfamiliar to many outside the industry, but, in fact, people have been making breeding choices for thou…
A passion for animals is of great importance in pig farming – something that is familiar to Edwin Elshof. A passion for animals, in particular pigs, is what inspired him to become a pig farmer and to…
If you’re looking for an area of the world with limitless potential for pork genetics, look no further than the East and Southeast Asian markets. To thrive in this region, however, companies must for…
Given that none of us would be here without them, genes are pretty important. As technology continues to advance at lightning speed, scientists are learning more about genes and how to harness their …
From quality genetics to excellent management, Hypor provides producers with the tools to maintain high production from farrow to finish during summer’s hot spells. With nucleus facilities located in…
No one knows more about challenge than pork producers, but some markets are more challenging than others. Fortunately, where there are obstacles, there is also opportunity. In filling 25% of the worl…
If you think a sick child is a handful, how about a 300 kg sow with a fever? From lost production to treatment expenses, pig health problems can be hazardous to your financial health. Fortunately, wh…
In building your ideal nucleus barn, is it most important to have the best biosecurity, technology, R&D or nutrition? Those behind the new Bon Accord nucleus facility in Ituna, Saskatchewan could…
Working in the livestock sector can be stressful. Will prices stay strong? How will we deal with ever changing consumer demands? These were just some of the questions facing the recently formed Camro…
Both in research and in life, the qualities we seek for the perfect partner are much the same: similar values and goals, with knowledge and experience that complement our own. In an industry as compe…
As any pork producer knows, keeping safety top of mind is good for the bottom line. That philosophy is shared by the rebuilt Bon Accord nucleus facility in Ituna, Saskatchewan, and it guides what the…
It’s not a party until the guests show up, so the arrival of the first pigs at our new Bon Accord nucleus facility in Ituna, Saskatchewan is reason to celebrate.
Like a stroll on the beach or a candlelit dinner, research is better with a partner. Given the time, money and expertise required for genetic progress, teaming up is critical to success in the pork i…
For many in the business, pork production is a labor of love. Yet a growing number of producers are feeling labor pain as good help becomes hard to find, harder to keep and difficult to pay for. In r…
In the pork business, quantity without quality is like cake without icing: pointless. Traditionally, sow productivity has been defined as the number of piglets weaned per sow per year. However, the q…
With swine diseases like PED and African Swine Fever (ASF) continuing to make headlines, people are seeking a good news story more than ever. If there is a silver lining to the growing threat from su…
They may be best known for their economic strength and military might, but China is also flexing its muscles on the world pork market, and the rest of the globe is taking notice. For genetics compani…
At an age where many young men are still trying to “find themselves”, the newest Hypor geneticist finds himself in a role that’s perfectly suited to his skill set.
If you don’t think sow longevity is crucial for the bottom line, imagine your life without it: putting time, money and energy into sows that barely or rarely pay for themselves before you have to sta…
Animal breeding and genetics is at the core of our business and in this field we are closely connected and involved in many new developments.
While not every area of pork production is equally important, feeding your animals is right up there. Producers can sometimes skimp on certain aspects, but providing high quality, nutritious feed to …
If you’re not out front in pig genetics, you’re bound to be left behind. Often, progress means being in the right place at the right time. With that in mind, the timing was perfect for the new Bon Ac…
The proper measurement of phenotypic traits is the cornerstone of our animal breeding program. As new traits come into focus, new technology and techniques must be developed. This fundamental step is…
If your genetics company isn’t out front when it comes to artificial intelligence, you’re liable to be left behind. That was the message in a recent talk at the world-renowned Banff Pork Seminar in B…
In many ways, producing the ultimate sow is like following your favorite recipe: combining the right amount of the right ingredients for the perfect end result. By blending strong mothering ability a…
In the highly competitive, low margin pork business, staying at the forefront of technology is vital. That was the impetus for the new Bon Accord nucleus barn in Ituna, Saskatchewan, Canada. The 1200…
In an age where everything promises to be new, improved, bigger or better, the Hypor Magnus does more than promise; it delivers. Whether it’s throughput, quality, yield or efficiency, if you’re seeki…
Whether you’re talking sports or pork, what sets a champion apart is the ability to meet adversity head-on without missing a beat. If there was a gold medal for sire lines who “thrive in the face of …
See our new Hypor truck, soon driving in North West Europe.
The following is a testimonial from Dutch farmer Sjef van Gisbergen. While he attributes much of his success to efficiency and organization, he credits Hypor’s high quality genetics for making it po…
More than anything else, the ability to adapt is crucial in pork production. Consumer tastes and market demands are always shifting, and producers have to keep up. To do that, they need a sire line t…
Connecting industry leaders is important. Economy and efficiency have driven the industry for many years and many improvements have been realized. With the arrival of generation Y (also known as Mill…
Given that “fortune favors the bold”, the rebuilt Bon Accord nucleus facility is a bold move that will pay off big-time for the pork industry. This state of the art, 1200 sow farrow-to-finish operati…
In theory, the secret to boosting your pork profits is simple: spend less and make more. Yet with ever increasing feed costs eating into your bottom line, that’s easier said than done. In fact, it’s …
Successful companies don’t react to change; they drive it. With that in mind, at the beginning of this year Hypor opened the doors on a new state-of-the-art facility in Sichamps, France. The renovati…
From quality genetics to excellent management, Hypor provides producers with the tools to maintain high production from farrow to finish during summer’s hot spells.
When it comes to sire lines, some traits are more important than others. But regardless of where you are and who your customer is, quality will always be number one. For that reason, the Hypor Magnus…
Hendrix Genetics has always believed that the United States of America is key to both our success and that of our customers. It is for this reason that we continue to invest significantly across our …
With Hypors’ continued growth in the Americas and around the world, we are enlarging our global nucleus population and reinvesting in our production assets.
On June 8, 2018, Hypor partner S.C. SUINPROD S.A. ROMAN in Romania opened a new state-of-the- art sow farm with 1.500 sows. Participating in the opening on behalf of Hypor were Marius Gherman, Peter …
The last investment step at the SICHAMPS breeding nucleus farm, which houses 400 sows (300 HYPOR Maxter and 100 HYPOR Magnus), will be achieved by the end of this month.
When you’re a company that’s known for doing things better, faster and first, you need a breeding database that keeps you on the cutting edge. That’s why Hypor’s new system uses the latest technology…
If someone tells you there’s no such thing as “getting more for less”, tell them about the Hypor Magnus. Thanks to maximized throughput and strong growth, this line gives you more daily gain and more…
As a company renowned for its experience and expertise, Hypor is adding a pork industry veteran to its sales force.
Hendrix Genetics has joined a research alliance to develop pioneering genetic technology. Through the use of precision breeding, this group hopes to end the surgical castrations of male piglets.The a…
Doing things better and faster is nothing new for Hypor. But a current project combining ultra high frequency ear tags and a cutting edge app to boost the quality and quantity of data collected on fa…
Excellence in pork production is all about raising the bar, whether it’s heavier weights, higher production or hardier pigs, and that’s what the Hypor Magnus is all about. With its commitment to maxi…
Since 2016 a Hendrix Genetics core team has worked on improving biosecurity around the globe. How can we face disease challenges in poultry and swine? Normally we talk about progressing genetic resis…
The swine AI (Artificial Intelligence) project that Hendrix Genetics and its partner BrainCreators are working on, is using AI to predict individual slaughterhouse traits for swine before they are pr…
These days, quality can be hard to find, unless you know where to look. And if you’re seeking a boar that offers exceptional meat quality, look no further than the Hypor Kanto. As Hypor’s premium ter…
The expression “time is money” is especially true for pork producers, because time and money are the two things that are always in short supply; or at least, they used to be. Thanks to the new Hypor …
Best pork; lowest cost. In any recipe for Total System Profitability, those are key ingredients. That may explain why the Hypor Magnus stole the show in a recent terminal sire trial at Hickory Ridge …
Hypor continues to grow throughout the U.S., and the latest addition to their sales team will help accomplish that. “We’re pleased to be bringing Ethan Parsley on board as an account manager,” says G…
As the world’s most “prolificient” sow - the sum of prolific and efficient – the Libra* balances traits in feed conversion and mothering ability to lower the feed cost per pig. “Producing more pork w…
If a genetic line makes you choose between quality and quantity, the choice is clear: Choose another line. But not just any line. The Hypor Libra* (pronounced Libra Star) gives you both in merging th…
If it’s true that experience is the best teacher, the new Managing Director of Hendrix Genetics’ Business Unit Swine (Hypor) goes to the head of the class. Following the appointment that Raf Beeren b…
Successful companies don’t react to change; they drive it. With that in mind, Hypor recently opened the doors on a new state-of-the-art facility in Sichamps, France. In the process, they offered a wi…
Hendrix Genetics, through its swine brand Hypor is experiencing tremendous growth in Latin America. Various factors, which range from a great product that offers true value for money, to hands on cus…
When you’re the best at what you do, how can you improve on that? One way is to do it in more places for more clients, and that’s exactly what Hypor is doing by partnering with Nugeporc in the Domini…
Supplying top genetics for pork production at the least cost to ensure client success is at the core of Hypor’s business. Success with sow breeding begins with proper preparation for the next round. …
If you could order the perfect sow, what would you ask for? A. More uniform litters, B. More full value pigs, C. Greater weaning capacity or D. All of the above
Hendrix Genetics partners with Integrated Aquaculture International LLC (iAqua) to accelerate the Kona Bay shrimp breeding program based in Hawaii and Malaysia.
Our new website has been designed to help you navigate easier. One of the biggest advantages is that the website is mobile friendly so it adapts to the size of your mobile or tablet. You can now find…
How do you improve on the world’s most balanced sow? The short answer is simple: Reach for the Star. By crossing the Hypor Large White with the new Hypor Landrace Triple+, the company geneticists hav…
Hypor has signed a cooperation agreement with ultrasound technology company, Biotronics, in the research testing of the new BioQStation to improve the speed and animal safety of ultrasound scanning.
Hendrix Genetics believes that setting the highest possible animal welfare standards at the beginning of the chain is vitally important to contribute to a sustainable future. Today, one third of Hend…
Hypor is investing in a new facility in Sichamps, France with 72 Nedap Pig Performance testing (PPT) stations to track the daily growth and feed intake of the Hypor Maxter and Magnus boar.
The new Hypor Libra* sow meets today’s demands to produce more pork with less feed by reducing the amount of feed it takes to raise a pig from farrow to finish. The Hypor Libra* (pronounced Libra sta…
Five farrow-to-finish Hutterite colonies are weaning nearly 30 piglets per sow each year using the Hypor Libra* sow and Hypor Magnus boar. “We had to cut back on the number of sows because they were …
From quality genetics to excellent management, Hypor provides producers with the tools to maintain high production from farrow to finish during summer’s hot spells. With nucleus facilities located in…
After repopulating a year ago and purchasing Hypor replacement gilts from Genex Ontario, pork producer Gary Terpstra has significantly increased overall production.
Hypor recently exported 270 purebred pigs to distributor Huerta San Martin de Porres in Peru as part of Hypor’s expansion in Latin America.
The new Hypor Libra* (pronounced Libra star) sow balances traits in piglet quality, mothering ability and sow longevity to increase the number of pigs that employees can manage and lower the labor co…
Hypor is working with a farrow-to-finish farm in South Central Iowa to repopulate using 100 percent Hypor genetics. Morris Yoder, the owner of Soggy Bottom Farm in Weldon, Iowa, selected to use Hypo…
Hypor geneticists have spent nearly a decade to develop the Hypor Libra*, a sow that is capable of producing more than 30 piglets a year that reach 14 pounds (6.3 kilograms) in three weeks without cr…
With an average of 15 piglets born alive, 2017 is shaping up to be a good year for Hypor’s partner Leon van Dijck, the owner of Schweinehaltung Düben GmbH & C. A Nucleus farm in Düben, Germany wh…
Pork producers that use the Hypor Magnus Duroc on their operations held 58 of the top 120 rankings on the Hams Marketing index for pigs shipped to Maple Leaf Foods in Brandon, Canada, during 2016.
Congratulations to Hypor customers, Ferme Équiporc Inc., and Shur-Gain for receiving the Prix de reconnaissance de la filière porcine at Le Porc Show in Québec, Canada in December 2016.
Hypor is pleased to announce that it is partnering with Nugeporc to supply quality genetics to pork producers in the Dominican Republic as well as for the rest of the Greater and Lesser Antilles.
More than 300 pork producers and industry professionals attended the Hypor Japan seminar in Tokyo and Kagoshima on February 7 and 9. These seminars are part of the launch of the new Hypor sow: the Hy…