Published on Aug. 11, 2021
The Hypor Kanto: sustainable and exceptional meat quality
Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, is evolving from balanced breeding to sustainable breeding for all products in our portfolio. The Hypor Kanto, our Duroc sire line with premium pork quality, fast-growing and added value finishers, and high-quality piglets fits well with this sustainability approach. There are three layers of consideration for the sustainable swine breeding program: economic, social, and environmental. Continue reading to find out how the Hypor Kanto contributes to our customers’ success and a more sustainable swine industry.
Superior meat quality
The Hypor Kanto is known for delivering carcasses with superior meat quality. Characteristics of meat quality such as marbling, color, and pH are some of the important parameters for processors who are paying for better meat quality. This improves the economic sustainability for producers when they can receive more payment for the quality pigs they are raising. Exceptional marbling is a distinct advantage for the Hypor Kanto. The average marbling achieved with Kanto finishers is 2.8% across trials, where ≥2.5% is considered ideal for export markets. This level of marbling results in a low drip loss and enhanced tenderness and taste. With the high level of meat quality possible, the Hypor Kanto is a great choice for producers looking to enter the market of high quality pork.
Fast-growing and added value finishers
It’s not only superior meat quality that makes the Hypor Kanto a great choice for producers. The Hypor Kanto is also our fastest growing sire line. This fast growth offers an economic advantage to producers because Hypor Kanto finishers will reach the target market weight in fewer days, increasing the turns per year. A high growth rate complements the high quality pork that this Duroc sire line is known for. The Hypor Kanto is a popular choice around the world to produce added value finishers which are destined for the high-quality markets in Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Spain.

High quality piglets
Piglet quality is considered in all Hypor products because we recognize the influence on lifetime performance. The Hypor Kanto produces high quality piglets that are set up for birth to carcass success. Piglets with heavier birth weights are more likely to consume enough colostrum, survive to weaning with greater weights, and become full value finishers in fewer days. Piglets with heavy weights are also more likely to be successfully weaned from the sow and can thrive during, and after, the stressful event of weaning.
The Hypor Kanto is our Duroc sire line with premium meat quality. Finishers sent to the processing plant have uniform carcass characteristics and pork quality that meets and exceeds premium market requirements. In the finishing barn, Hypor Kanto finishers have outstanding growth and are added value finishers for niche and export markets. This all stems from high quality piglets with heavy birth weights and vitality at weaning. Hendrix Genetics is setting the standard in sustainable swine breeding by providing a Duroc sire line that produces high quality, uniform progeny with exceptional meat quality characteristics.