Published on May 9, 2021
Philippine partners grateful for Hypor’s continuous technical support
Hypor, the pig breeding division of Hendrix Genetics, remains committed to providing technical service to our customers across Asia. This despite the travel bans and health risks brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Asia, our team of local and international experts remain in contact with our customers through phone calls, emails, and online meetings to discuss farm performance and give advice on their operational issues, especially the threat posed by the African Swine Fever (ASF).
Farm visits commenced in March 2021 after the Philippine government eased the restrictions on domestic travel. These visits were made without compromising personal safety and followed the government-mandated health protocols.
“We are happy and privileged that Dr. Gladwin Señase was able to visit our farm. He will evaluate our husbandry practices, compliance to the biosecurity protocols and give recommendations to further improve our productivity and strengthen our biosecurity,” said the farm manager of M. Montesclaros Farms to the farm employees during their weekly meeting.
With the goals of increasing the reach of Hypor technical service worldwide and to get closer to our customers, Hendrix Genetics developed a user-friendly Swine Support App wherein Hypor customers worldwide will be able to ask our team of global experts a variety of questions related to swine management, animal health, biosecurity, breeder selection, genetics, and BioHypor system.
The app can be downloaded from the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) and can be installed on the mobile phones.