Hypor partner S.C. SUINPROD S.A. ROMAN in Romania

Published on July 23, 2018

Hypor partner S.C. SUINPROD S.A. ROMAN in Romania

On June 8, 2018, Hypor partner S.C. SUINPROD S.A. ROMAN in Romania opened a new state-of-the- art sow farm with 1.500 sows. Participating in the opening on behalf of Hypor were Marius Gherman, Peter Gerrits and Ton Ten Dam. 

Suinprod is part of the Kosarom group which is a vertical integrator in broilers and pigs. With the opening of this new farm, Suinprod will cover about 65% of the fully integrated pig production for their own slaughter house. Today, the licensing process began for a new facility of 4.000 sows to be built in 2019 to bring the slaughterhouse up to full capacity.

On behalf of Hypor, Geert Rutten started the business with Suinprod in 2005. It marked the beginning of a cutting edge vertical integration in pigs that can compete with the world leaders in pork production. Soon after the first business started between Suinprod and Hypor, a new breeding farm of 800 sows was built which now supplies Libra Star gilts to the Suinprod production farms, while a portion of the production is sold to other pig producers in the area. At the same time, a PSO- subsidized project from the Dutch government was implemented by Geert and Wim Lemmens, accelerating the business for Suinprod and Hypor.

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Suinprod 4

Suinprod is a leading company in Romania and an example for others to follow. During the socialist era prior to 1990, Romania was an exporter of pork, but today it is a major importer. As a result, political leaders want to make changes and are supporting local production by subsidizing production and new green field projects in a country that is now well-positioned to excel in the pork business.

In the picture from left to right are Mr. Ioan Antoci, director of Suinprod, Ton Ten Dam and Mr. Lucian Apostel, president of the Kosarom Group.


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NOTE: This article was originally published in Asian Pork Magazine and has been republished here with permission.