Hypor Libra* Shines Brightly

Published on Oct. 15, 2017

Hypor Libra* Shines Brightly

How do you improve on the world’s most balanced sow? The short answer is simple: Reach for the Star. By crossing the Hypor Large White with the new Hypor Landrace Triple+, the company geneticists have progressed faster and farther than ever before. The result is the Hypor Libra* (pronounced “Libra Star”), a sow with the best qualities of the Hypor Libra and enough added features to make it the star attraction for producers.

Not only does the Hypor Libra* outdo the Hypor Libra in total born and number born alive, but it offers the one thing every investor wants, whether they’re buying stocks or sows: growth. 

On your mark, get set, grow!

Hypor Greg Simpson

The Hypor Libra* is all about ‘growth. It grows faster and has more growth potential than previous lines, and so does the progeny.

Hypor Greg Simpson
Gregory Simpson
Hypor Nutritionist

Part of any success is starting strong, and the Hypor Libra* gets a head start on other sow lines. Because the sow also produces more colostrum than its competition, piglets are a step ahead from day one, and their uniform birth weight makes them easier to manage throughout their development.

That may be where the Hypor  Libra*’s growth advantage begins, but it doesn’t end there. Cross-breeding allows the progeny to benefit from the sow’s faster growth and both mother and offspring will be leaner. The leanness means more saleable meat on the carcass and more dollars in the producer’s pocket.

Also, if you’re selling weaners or feeder pigs they’ll be more uniform and bigger, which is another boost for your bottom line.

There’s also the aspect of maturity to consider.

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One benefit of greater daily gain is that by growing faster, the sow reaches sexual maturity earlier as maturation is more a function of weight than age.That results in fewer unproductive days as the larger sow is cycling much earlier.

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Dr. Patrick Charagu
Hypor Senior Geneticist

Feed conversion is another key benefit. Our 300+ feed stations measure the feed intake of our genetic lines, enabling us to select for high growth with low feed intake. By measuring the residual feed intake, we can select the pigs that eat less than what you would expect based on their genetic background and pair that with solid growth. It’s a 1-2 punch that will knock out the competition every time.

First at the finish line

Of course, starting strong only counts if you finish strong, and the Hypor Libra* does that as well.

At the finisher stage, there should be growth gains of 25% with the progeny of the Hypor Libra*. While the numbers may be small on a daily basis, any edge you can get in the highly competitive pork business is worth taking. The faster growth also enhances farm utilization, as farmers who only have finishers can do more turns per year and further increase their revenue in the process.  For every farmer, that greater growth reduces “days to market” and shortens the finishing stage. And because the progeny spend one day less in the barn, producers save money on feed, labor and housing costs. It’s a “win-win-win”, and how often do you see that?

Hypor Sow Libra*

If there’s a common theme at every stage of growth for the Hypor Libra*, it’s around more money earned and less money spent. That’s a powerful combination, and it fits perfectly with Hypor’s focus on Total System Profitability, designing products that fit a global market and have a real impact through the entire value chain from breeding to the consumer’s plate.

As Simpson puts it, the Hypor Libra* “makes such a leap in performance and improves so many aspects of production that there is incremental benefit no matter what part of the chain you’re in.”

In the long term, Hypor supports sustainability, and as it turns out, so does the Hypor Libra*. By enhancing such a wide range of areas from total born to number born alive to faster and greater growth, it develops balanced animals that are more likely to survive and thrive. And when your animals thrive, so does your business.

As well, the Hypor Libra* animal is more efficient, producing at a level that is equal to, or higher than, its competitor, but using fewer resources.

Ultimately, genetics are about long term, big picture thinking. The process of developing the Hypor Libra* began in 2013 and its impact is just starting to be felt at the producer level. Fortunately, the best is yet to come.

Hypor Greg Simpson

We are seeing remarkable jumps in performance on the sow side that exceed what we think of as normal genetic progress

Hypor Greg Simpson
Gregory Simpson
Hypor Nutritionist

Those gains first appeared in 2016 and by the end of 2017, the full impact of the Hypor Libra* should start to be felt. In the meantime, if you’re looking for all the benefits that the best sow genetics have to offer, don’t settle for less. Shoot for the Stars.

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