Valuable finishers
With balance between traits, the Hypor Libra, our commercial F1 sow, can add the most value to your operation. We recognize that the sow is 50% of the finishing pig. The result is a balanced sow that is efficient in producing and weaning piglets that grow fast and in a feed efficient way. By focusing on the uniformity of growth on the dam lines, the Hypor Libra produces finishers that start and end at similar weights. This can decrease the time of your shipping window, or even the number of shipments when pigs are more uniform. Uniform pigs are also beneficial from an animal welfare perspective. The pigs are less likely to compete when there are minimal physical differences in the group, leading to a more comfortable environment for them to thrive. Finally, with an emphasis on high quality piglets, the Hypor Libra produces more full value finishers. This offers big advantages in social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Every resource is used efficiently, and the pigs live a productive life from weaning to processing.
Fast growing and efficient
We recognize that the sow is 50% of the finishing pig. The result is a balance between finishing characteristics and reproductive traits. In the end, you receive a balanced sow, efficient in producing and weaning piglets that grow fast in a feed efficient way.

Uniform from wean to finish
The Hypor Libra has been selected for minimal variation in piglet birth weight. By focusing on the uniformity of growth on the dam lines, the Hypor Libra produces finishers that start and end at similar weights. This gives an advantage for all-in-all out systems and for efficiency in shipping. Uniform pigs are also less likely to compete, leading to a more comfortable environment for them to thrive.

More full value finishers
To complement breeding for high quality piglets, the Hypor Libra produces more full value finishers. This offers big advantages in social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Every resource is used efficiently, and the pigs live a productive life from weaning to processing.

Want to learn more about other benefits of the Hypor Libra?
Most efficient sow
The Hypor Libra is selected to be a productive and efficient mother. This means you can get the most value from your sow with little management involved.
Highest quality piglets
The Hypor Libra consistently produces healthy, uniform piglets at a heavier birth weight. We know that heavier piglets are at a strong advantage right from the start.