Most efficient sow
The Hypor Libra, our commercial F1 sow, is selected to be a productive and efficient mother to give you the most value, with less management needed. She demonstrates superior stayability by remaining productive longer than needed to repay her initial investment, with an average parity of 5 when culled. Stayability is also achieved with strong feet and legs, and low sow mortality, where our customers see at least a 2% advantage compared to the industry average. Weaning capacity has always been an important component of our breeding program and we are setting a new standard: 16, 15, 14. Our sow is bred for 16 functional teats and the capacity to deliver 16 total born, 15 born alive, and 14 weaned. The right number of functional teats and enough colostrum for every piglet reduces the need for milk replacers and nurse sows. With the Hypor Libra, we consistently see an advantage in many traits related to the reproductive efficiency, including farrowing rate, repeat services, non-productive sow days, and litters/mated female/year.
The Hypor Libra demonstrates superior stayability. She can remain productive in the herd long enough to wean at least three litters to repay her investment and more often longer, thanks to her strong foot and leg structure and low mortality. Our customers see at least a 2% advantage on sow survival compared to the industry average.

More weaning capacity
Our target for weaning capacity is set at an optimum of 16, 15, 14. Our sow is selected for 16 functional teats and the capacity to deliver 16 total born, 15 born alive, and 14 weaned. With the right number of functional teats, the piglets receive the optimal amount of colostrum from their own mother.

Excellent reproductive efficiency
With the Hypor Libra, we consistently see an advantage in many reproductive traits, including farrowing rate, repeat services, non-productive sow days, and litters/mated female/year. Not only do these characteristics improve the stayability, but they also improve the overall efficiency and productivity of your farm.

Check out more benefits of the Hypor Libra!
Highest quality piglets
The Hypor Libra consistently produces healthy, uniform piglets at a heavier birth weight. We know that heavier piglets are at a strong advantage right from the start.
Valuable finishers
With balance between traits, the Hypor Libra can add the most value to your operation. We recognize that the sow is 50% of the finishing pig.