High quality piglets
Piglets born at a heavier birth weight are stronger at birth, require less care than smaller pigs, and more likely to become a full value finisher. They are also more likely to consume enough colostrum and survive to weaning with greater weights. The Hypor Maxter, our Piétrain sire line, produces uniform piglets with an average birth weight of 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) and 94% of piglets more than 1 kg (2.2 lbs). The sire line has a direct effect on the productivity of your sow herd. The Hypor Maxter provides a quantifiable “piglet boost”. Every litter fathered by the Hypor Maxter will boost the number of piglets total born, born alive and weaned by +0.5 – 1.0. All in all, with the Hypor Maxter, you can count on healthy, high quality piglets that thrive with minimal human intervention.
Heavy birth weights
The average birth weight of the Hypor Maxter piglets is 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs), with 94% of piglets more than 1 kg (2.2 lbs). These piglets are more likely to consume enough colostrum, grow to their full potential and effectively use all the resources they consume over the course of their life.

Uniform litters
A uniform litter means that each piglet can easily access nourishment from their mother. The Hypor Maxter has been selected for minimal variation in piglet birth weight. From a management perspective, this also means you can focus the entire litter, rather than smaller-sized piglets, making your efforts more efficient.

Piglet boost
The Hypor Maxter has a direct effect on the productivity of your sow herd. The Hypor Maxter provides a quantifiable “piglet boost”. Every litter fathered by the Hypor Maxter will boost the number of piglets total born, born alive and weaned by +0.5 – 1.0.

Check out more benefits of the Hypor Maxter
Fast-growing and uniform finishers
It is proven that the Hypor Maxter produces fast-growing and uniform finishers. It is one of the fastest growing Piétrains in the world, which reduces the number of growth days in the barn.
More quality meat
Carcasses from Hypor Maxter finishers easily fit many grids. They are consistently in the sweet spot of the grid for lean meat percentage, fat depth, muscle depth, and carcass weight measurements.