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Published on Oct. 16, 2024
Meet the Expert - Michel Gerrits
Keep reading to uncover the stories, passions, and expertise that make our Hypor team unique.
Who is Michel Gerrits?
I grew up in the south of the Netherlands, first on a swine farm and later in a small city near the Hendrix Genetics headquarters. I completed a 2 year course in swine husbandry and started working on a commercial farm with 2100 sows. My main focus there was on insemination, gestation and gilt rearing. In 2020, after working and learning there for 8 years, I joined the Hypor northwest Europe team as a Technical service representive. In this role i am responsible for sales- and logistical support in Germany and the Netherlands.
What inspired you to pursue a career in the swine industry?
After high school I was kind of lost and didn’t know what to do next. After a few years of working at a supermarket I decided it was time for something more fulfilling. By talking to a career coach, I came to the conclusion that I had the most fun when I was working with pigs. First on the Euribrid breeding farm my father was running until I was 8 and later on several AI stations. This realization prompted me to look for work and education in the swine industry and I have never regretted it for one second.
When it comes to working with customers, what’s your “superpower”?
Because of my upbringing on a farm and, after that, working in production for a long time, I can relate to workers on the farm and am able to approach them on equal footing. Many farm visitors can get very theoretical, whereas most farm workers just want to hear how they can help solve the issues that arise.
What was the most rewarding project you worked on and why?
I find it difficult to pinpoint one single project, but I guess it’s the small victories. Be it hearing from a farmer that your advice really helped them or selecting 2000 Libra gilts for sale to a single farm without a single complaint.
How do you see the future of the swine industry evolving?
A few difficult years are still ahead of us. The market in northwestern Europe will continue to shrink until it has reached a level where countries are mostly self-sufficient for their meat production. In this smaller market, animal welfare and sustainability will become even more important. A great fit for the Hypor Libra and the Maxter and Magnus boars.
Outside the swine industry, what are you passionate about?
I love hiking in nature in different countries. Be it glaciers in Iceland, forests in Yosemite Park or mountain trails in Luxemburg, but also nearby in the Dutch heath. In the weekend I enjoy going to music festivals with my friends or grilling some delicious pork or beef.